My name is
Nadja Chaieb; founder of Made for More, Career Fulfilment Coach & People Management Consultant as well as Mother of two.
I have cut my HR teeth internationally in leading management positions for almost two decades within some of the biggest global brands such as IKEA, Vodafone, H&M and luxury fashion brand Salvatore Ferragamo. Working across 10 European countries I have experienced great success – but climbing the ladder isn’t always the road to fulfilment.
I grew up in a multicultural entrepreneurial family in a small village in Sweden, which at the time was quite uncommon, but it made me understand what it means to run your own business. As a high achiever at school, I could have chosen many different paths, and all I knew was that I wanted to work with people and development – and to travel. Despite being encouraged by my parents to take the ‘safer route’ of climbing the corporate ladder, already as a child I dreamt about running my own company.
Over the years I have had my own sets of challenges, which if you follow me on social media you get to learn more of. I moved to Italy following my dream, with very little pocket money and not speaking a word of Italian but with a strong vision to continuing my HR career here, to almost burning out and starting my own business during Corona with two young children – to mention a few.

“I love developing people,
seeing them grow and being able to see the positive results of the business, while doing it.”

After being with the IKEA group for 7 years in leading HR positions and as a certified coach I wanted a fresh challenge. I decided to explore a new sector and moved myself and my family to Florence to work for Salvatore Ferragamo.
This turned to be a big mistake as I was tied to more than 12-hour workdays, with a misaligned company culture, undertaking work that was not playing to neither my passion and purpose nor to my strengths of people development. This saw me nearly hit burnout. But was also the wake-up call I needed.
I have had a taste of success, at least my definition of it; a wonderful international career, great salary, met amazing people and lived what for most could be a fantastic life. Well, fantastic was not really the case for me in the end, working too much, hardly seeing my family, much required travelling so therefore no time for myself, my well-being or anything else but work. Does this sound familiar to you?
Let me help you find clarity so you can break free and experience career fulfilment!
Taking time to reflect on my situation and after some well invested coaching I realized my core values and my purpose were not fulfilled at all and that my desire to achieve more was still there. That I was meant for more than the life I had created so far.
I concluded quite quickly that I wanted my own business, to enable the freedom that I craved and not running around the needs of someone else and to be able to work with what I love. I also realized after working with my self-awareness that my purpose is to help others in similar situations. My focus is on high achievers, who are feeling stuck, not fulfilled or have a lack of direction and clarity and feel no sense of belonging where they are today - people that want to change their career but are limited by something that is holding them back, as fear or self-confidence.

I strive to impact other people’s lives and businesses. To help them find the career and purpose that really light up their souls instead of wasting time, energy and life in the wrong roles, teams or businesses. Because I believe we CAN and SHOULD have it all. EVERYONE deserves to experience the flexibility, freedom, and joy that come with finding a career you love. YOU deserve to be in control of your career, live your life on your terms and find something that you find truly meaningful. YOU deserve to leave behind a legacy that you can be proud of. YOU deserve to experience a career that you feel truly passionate about.
And I can help you get there.
I am determined to use my profession, business acumen and wide experiences as a global HR expert and certified coach to help high achieving people, leaders and businesses who are made for more, to re-connect to themselves to find their inner purpose and to enable them to get the career and business they desire and deserve.
That is the reason I created Made for More, a Coaching & People Management company, for people and businesses who are Made for More, helping them to find their unique path to success and fulfilment, by purpose-led coaching and leadership.
Isn’t it time to start living an authentic life and be truly who you were meant to be?

My Why.
Working globally I am driven by the inequalities I am seeing here for high achieving working parents, who are struggling with long working hours, lack of flexibility, poor work-life balance and on top of that, paying a huge proportion of her wage for childcare, to be able to work, which I did too. This is the reason for why I want to make a wider impact on the society. I have seen how it works in the Nordic Countries and I have so many great examples of companies and female top leaders, having three children and still rocking their careers.
Why is this not possible in Southern Europe? I want to contribute to a change, so I did that change for myself and my family by taking the leap and to change direction, even though I was scared to death and did not feel ready at all, but the desire to live a fulfilled life was too strong to neglect so I had no other choice than jump.
I found I lacked a mission in my previous career as an HR professional as I wanted to leave a legacy behind and to make more impact on people and businesses lives, especially in high achieving parent’s lives, who are meant for so much more than just stress, since I believe parents have the right to combine an ambitious career while being a mother/father.
So here I am for you, supporting ambitious professionals, who are stuck and no longer aligned with their values and priorities, helping them to reinvent themselves or to re-launch their careers.
I also empower companies, leaders and business owners with transformational and executive coaching that helps teams and leaders to increase their collaboration, performance and business results. Especially in these times it is much about increasing signals of closeness and how to deal with new ways of working, different types of fear and isolation, but also in supporting redundant individuals to re-launch their careers.
I support business leaders to achieve their overall business strategy and goals, through a well-defined and modern HR strategy, to be able to attract, find, develop and keep their People with a HUMAN CENTRIC approach.
“In times of Covid companies are no longer around people, instead they need to be inside their homes and minds, which demands business leaders to become HUMAN Centric, to be able to survive.”
So that is just part of my story but what else makes me possibly the right person for you?
Master degree in Human Resources Management and Labor Relations, specialisation in Business Psychology at the University of Gothenburg.
Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation
Hogan Assessment certified, OPQ and Predictive Index analyst
I have international experience and background from different sectors and speak 3 languages
Coaching and management experience from the leading brand IKEA as part of their global internal coach pool with 50 Certified Coaches, coaching a population of 160,000 people globally.
My own journey of regular changes and re-invention, helps me in understanding and supporting people and businesses​
Knowing we are all Made for More and believe can have it all.
Passioned and caring about people and business with great intuition.
Much love, Nadja